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Effects of Chiropractic on Blood Pressure

More than 50 million Americans suffer from hypertension, a disease with far-reaching public health impact causing or contributing to 7.1 million deaths yearly at an estimated annual incremental direct cost of $54 billion per year. Common treatments include antihypertensive medications and lifestyle modifications. While these treatments have been shown to be effective, only about 30% of hypertensive patients achieve blood pressure goals.

A family history of high blood pressure is a risk factor for you developing high blood pressure. Having one or more close family members with high blood pressure before the age of 60 means you have two times the risk of having it also. A strong family history means you have three or more relatives who had high blood pressure before 60. It is important to understand that a family history of high blood pressure does not mean you will have high blood pressure, but it does increase your chances. A family history of high blood pressure has been linked to other risk factors for heart disease and stroke. These factors include high cholesterol, high body fat, and being more sensitive to the effects of salt on raising blood pressure. These risk factors can put you at risk for future heart disease and stroke, even though you may not have high blood pressure yourself.

Based on a recently published study, one unique non-pharmaceutical approach may be a non-rotary type of upper cervical spinal manipulation to align the first cervical vertebra performed by a doctor of chiropractic. A study published in the scientific periodical the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, added further evidence showing that chiropractic care has a positive effect on blood pressure. Numerous prior studies showed that people with high blood pressure who received chiropractic care experienced a blood pressure reduction. One study even showed that people who had low blood pressure had their pressure return to normal.

There are several things. You should get your blood pressure checked at least once a year to make sure it is within normal levels. Reduce other risks for high blood pressure by eating healthy foods, using less salt, exercising, losing weight if needed and stopping smoking. If you are already being treated for high blood pressure, it is important to take the medications regularly that have been prescribed for you. Also, keep your scheduled appointments with your health care provider. Finding the best treatment for each person often takes time and what works for one person may not work for another. What is important is that you keep trying to lower your blood pressure with the help of your health care provider! Call our office today to schedule your initial exam and consultation.

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